Sunday, November 24, 2019

Research Paper Writing Checklist

Research Paper Writing Checklist A research paper checklist is an essential tool because the task of putting together a quality paper involves many steps. Nobody writes a perfect report in one sitting! Before you get started on your project, you should review the checklist on ​research ethics. Later, once you have finished the final draft of your research paper, you can use this checklist to make sure that you have remembered all the details. Research Paper Checklist First Paragraph and Introduction Yes Needs Work Introductory sentence is interesting The thesis sentence is specific The thesis statement makes a clear declaration that I back up with examples Body Paragraphs Yes Needs Work Does each paragraph begin with a good topic sentence? Do I provide clear evidence to support my thesis? Have I used examples with citations evenly throughout the work? Do my paragraphs flow in a logical manner? Have I used clear transition sentences? Paper Format Yes Needs Work Title page meets assignment requirements Page numbers are in the right location on the page Page numbers start and stop on the right pages Each citation has a bibliography entry In-text citations checked for proper formatting Proofreading Yes Needs Work Ive checked for confusing word errors Ive checked for logical flow My summary restates my thesis in different words Meeting the Assignment Yes Needs Work I mention previous research or positions on this topic My paper is the right length Ive used enough sources Ive included the required variety of source types

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Jurisprudence Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Jurisprudence Law - Essay Example The law concept has to offer an account of the most essential or important aspects of a legal system and also accounts for the laws normativity4. It is important to establish the indispensable aspects of law so that it is possible to differentiate the legal and non-legal and also the legal validity and the legal invalidity. The law is widely known as a social institution that influences the realistic reasoning of agents. Social facts are a matter of what is considered as law and what is not considered as law; as a result we can determine the validity of the law by referring to social sources as opposed to moral evaluation. Law is not essentially obligatory because of its morality validity. Judges and lawyers should not bother with the question if a law is just or not but if there is any law of a particular issue. The law has particular features, and it have them because of its very essence or nature as law wherever and whenever it is established5. The law is a normative social practi ce because it asserts to direct human actions, bringing about a reasons for taking action. There is need to comprehend the general circumstances that would render all types of accepted norm legally valid. Judges and lawyers should consider the source of the norm as well as the matter of the content of the norm(s). This entails the general question on the legal validity conditions. Second, the normative feature of the law should also interest the lawyers and judges. Each legal norm has to be composed of a threat supported by sanctions. This takes in two different claims. To begin with, a law should be normative and norms, which are supported by sanctions of the political autonomy. Second, the close interrelatedness between the law and... The law is a normative social practice because it asserts to direct human actions, bringing about a reasons for taking action. There is need to comprehend the general circumstances that would render all types of accepted norm legally valid. Judges and lawyers should consider the source of the norm as well as the matter of the content of the norm(s). This entails the general question on the legal validity conditions. Second, the normative feature of the law should also interest the lawyers and judges. Each legal norm has to be composed of a threat supported by sanctions. This takes in two different claims. To begin with, a law should be normative and norms, which are supported by sanctions of the political autonomy.   Second, the close interrelatedness between the law and threat of imposing sanctions is a thesis about the law’s normativity. From the moral perspective, we cannot take the recognition rules in themselves as basis for requirement to follow the law. The law is an institutionalized normative system, which is upheld by an agreement among the officials (judges and lawyers) who apply the rules and who are in a manner differentiated from the normal workings of value and reason. Alternatively judges and lawyers legal principles acquire their authority from a combination of content-based or the source- based considerations. Laws are integrity law propositions, which are true if they follow if figure in from the principles of fairness, justice, and the due process of process.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Abortion should be encouraged Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Abortion should be encouraged - Essay Example However, the pro-abortion groups state that fetus is not at all human, because to consider a living form as a human, they will need to have mental aspects like consciousness, reasoning, self-motivation, self -awareness and communication skills. Thus, they counter the view that embryo is a living entity by using scientific evidences and show embryo is not a ‘living human’ but just an ‘undeveloped entity’. â€Å"†¦all parties in the debate agree that the embryo is not yet an entity with interests or rights â€Å". The other argument is, embryo neither looks like a human being nor contains the totality of a person' subsequent humanity because cell division continues throughout the gestational period.So the fetus cannot be considered as a human and abortion is therefore permitted medically as well as morally. Importantly, many situations particularly grave situations will arise, where abortion might be the most helpful choice the woman may have. One of th e grave situations is when a woman gets raped and becomes pregnant owing to that rape. A legal abortion will not only remove the mental scare of that sexual assault, importantly it will aid her in living a dignified and normal life, without any social ostracization of her as well as the baby that might be born. â€Å"Many pregnant rape victims are essentially assaulted twice,† Roth said, â€Å"first by their rapist and second by public officials who ignore them, insult them and deny them their right to a legal abortion.†

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Working with Children from Culturally Diverse Backgrounds Essay

Working with Children from Culturally Diverse Backgrounds - Essay Example Its importance cuts across the board from support staff to specialists in a particular field. Russell (7) appreciates the difficulty in working with children and families due to the rapidly expanding development in research findings on brain science and early childhood education. Alongside this, there have been changes in early childhood systems which affect accreditation and licensing as well as curriculum and models of delivery. Whereas the amount of growth and change presents great opportunities for quality improvement in this sector, necessary tools need to be implemented to ensure alignment with the changes. Professional development among teachers who impart development among children also becomes an important consideration. The features necessary for achievement of effective professional development include adopting new forms in teaching that include strategies such as mentoring, study groups and research projects. As these strategies take more time than the traditional approac hes, Gay (106) notes the importance of extending development programs over a longer time span. Collective participation where teachers would be given the chance to work with their counterparts would be critical in building communities hence resulting in sustainable change in professional development. ... The employer should also offer support by creating opportunities to enable employees discuss developing practice. The exchange of diverse knowledge propagates self development among professionals. With the increased cultural diversity among children in learning institutions, EHSNRC (5) asks teachers to be prepared to handle considerable diversity in children experiences. This raises the need for culturally responsive teaching where cultural experiences, perspectives and characteristics would be used as tools for effectively teaching them. The assumption here is that when knowledge and skills are based on children’s frame of reference and lived experience, they become more personally meaningful and learnt more thoroughly and easily. Explicit knowledge on cultural diversity would be an important consideration in meeting developmental needs of ethnically diverse children. Gay (107) notes that this knowledge includes understanding the characteristics of cultures and the contributi on by various ethnic groups. Culture encompasses various issues including cultural values, learning styles, traditions and communication. As such, Byrd-Blake and Olivieri (9) outlined five steps to be adopted to ensure development among culturally different children: acquisition of explicit knowledge on cultural diversity; collection of factual information on cultural particularities of various groups and consequently designing instructional strategies and curricula; creation of conducive climate for learning among ethnically diverse children; adoption of effective cross-cultural communication; and appropriate delivery of instructions to ethnically diverse children. Various tools should be employed to ensure development in culturally diverse environment. Gay

Friday, November 15, 2019

Critical Reflection Journalism Portfolio

Critical Reflection Journalism Portfolio The portfolio is designed to showcase my work and abilities as a potential journalist. In putting together my portfolio, I was guided by my interests; principles of journalism as taught in class and the requirements of the module. In the portfolio, I wrote about a train driver who blamed a non-existent bad weather for jumping the platform; the ‘dishonest’ and double standard manner the Cameron led coalition has handled the issue of tax avoidance involving Starbucks and the cases of looted funds from developing countries coming into the West, including Britain. I also wrote about the possibility that British universities may be turning out Islamic ‘terrorists’. There was also an interview with a Social Worker, who chose to remain anonymous, on the difficulties of effectively discharging social care work. The first thing I noticed with the module was the fast pace of activities required to meet my portfolio requirements. Ordinarily my class work tends to move fairly slowly. The truth is I was not prepared for the speed and discipline portfolio production demands. More importantly I had problems picking a news event to cover out of all the options suggested. There is a reason. In my first year at the university, for one of my journalism modules the class was asked to cover a particular lecture at the University’s Stratford campus. The whole exercise ended in agony. I ended up trying to make sense of a highly technical Science lecture and to make it relevant and interesting to an audience that was not scientific or particularly interested in how scientists go about their research. It was a nightmare. I must have done something however because I did very well with the copy. It was a difficult exercise and I believe I made a mental note to stay away from such assignments in the future. This explains therefore, my decision to write on economic and business topics. In one or two of my copies I veered to political issues but at the heart of all this was my passion for issues affecting my native African roots, the perceived injustices, inequalities, inefficient and corrupt regimes in African countries and Nigeria in particular. The general view is that such regimes are largely sustained by the patronising Western powers. I have conducted interviews before but was unprepared for an interviewee who wanted to remain anonymous. I was therefore unsure of how to retain credibility for my copy on social work without betraying the confidentiality I promised my interviewee. I decided therefore to tie the piece to the Baby P scandal. The core of the story was the burden of expectations society placed on the professionals who work in the social care work without , as they see it, â€Å"adequate resources and remuneration†, and also without making allowance for the fact that care service is not an exact science. Getting someone to speak on record for this piece was not easy and so, rather than ask around I decided to take the advice by Formichelli, Linda Diana Burrell (2003), and â€Å" found my own source†. Another advice I took to heart was to â€Å"give my interviewee a verbal ‘thanks’†after the interview. The module instilled in me a number of significant transferable skills. The first is the need to be organised. Nothing significant is achieved without detailed and thorough planning. I have also taken an ‘entrepreneurial’ attitude to work and learnt to be focused on the ‘consumer’ – the audience. Most importantly, I was learnt to have an eye for newsworthy stories, with my target audience at the back of my mind. For example I was in that Southeastern train that jumped the platform but was still able to write the story in the third party. I have learnt how to write news and features for publication. I learnt to generate ideas, to research those ideas and to produce copies based on those ideas, to a high standard. I have also been able to detail proposals to a high degree and therefore in my view in a position to pitch for commission with editors. But I am still learning The module also helped me to take advantage of new social media tools with which journalists can communicate with their audiences.I am now able to confidently upload copies to websites, where allowed. I am also able to write directly online and given the fact that the internet and social media tools can now be monitored, I am able to apply journalism principles responsibly. These principles include my obligation to truth; discipline of verification and to recognise the platform as a forum for public criticism and compromise. I am aware also that I am allowed to exercise my personal conscience and take full advantage of my blog and twitter accounts. I have come away from the module recognising the primacy of traditional journalism values, particularly that of fact verification. I recall a situation concerning the copy I submitted for publication on the website on the looting and transfer of funds from developing countries, particularly Nigeria to the West. Dr. Andrew Calcutt, my module tutor was unwilling to publish certain parts of that copy until he had evidence that is already in the public domain on the individuals named in the piece. I went back and sourced more than thirty one pages of newspaper articles for him. I appreciated his position especially when he said he was acting on advice from the legal department. This informed my approach to all the pieces that I submitted. Additional values I picked on include: truth, clear and clean writing. These are core skills and knowledge that I believe will make me a competitive player in the contemporary media and journalism industries. I have learnt to think clearly and to make sense of the world around me; I also learnt to communicate clearly and directly; and to work co-operatively with colleagues. To be organized in my work is to be able to meet deadlines and to present my stories and their ideas to other people. The module helped me to eliminate the boundaries between print, multimedia and broadcast, and to be strong on good writing and critical thinking. It was uplifting seeing my module leader present a fresh approach to my first copy in minutes. I told myself, with time and practice, I’ll be like that. I learnt in practical terms how to identify workable and unique angles to news stories and features and how to remain focused on the message that I wish to convey. Another outcome was the how and why I should forget I have an opinion when putting a copy together. I am allowed to have an opinion but that opinion must not get in the way of the story I am telling my audience. I believed I managed that in the copies in my portfolio. I have always had an interest in following news, both serious and the mundane. This module reinforced this trait, which I consider one of my strengths. I am at home reading news online, in print and on mobile devices. One other strength I believe I have and which is essential to my programme is that of curiosity. I tend to observe and explore, asking questions, even in my everyday life. I read newspapers and magazines, watch news on television and listen to news on radio and still query them, trying to see them from different angles to see if they will come out the same way. I tend to stretch myself and to do things I wouldnt normally do, if only for the experience. This is essential to journalism. Lastly, I believe that any journalistic story must remain significant, interesting and relevant. I know I am good at this, but also mindful of the need to keep the news comprehensive and proportional. I appreciate that though I did not produce as many copies as I proposed to deliver, I am encouraged by the fact that I have picked up the necessary knowledge and skill to do so should I be able to work up the necessary discipline to effectively manage my time. I also note that I need to improve on my research efforts, particularly into the academic overview of journalism as a discipline. Nonetheless I have learnt a lot from this module. I know in practical terms what News is; I know how to recognise my audience and what it wants; how to write a story and how to pitch it to an Editor. I have picked up skills, I have met challenges which my training has helped me to get round. I have knowledge of how institutions work, and have highly developed communication skills which will work to my benefit. I am on my way. Bibliography Formichelli, Linda Diana Burrell (2003), The Renegade Writer: A Totally Unconventional Guide to Freelance Writing Success, New York: Marion Street Press Inc. Harrower, T (2007) Inside Reporting: A practical Guide to the Craft of Reporting, McGraw Hill, New York Sova, Dawn B. (2002), How to Write Articles for Newspapers and Magazines, London: Petersons,

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Bernard Marx - Brave New World Essay -- essays research papers

Bernard Marx, being a male Alpha, is the type of person who just doesn’t really fit in. While just about all people are very open about their thoughts and personal feelings, Bernard is very secretive about many of his thoughts and actions. For instance, when Lenina tries to talk to him about â€Å"having her,† his face goes pale and he insists that they discuss it in private (pg 58). He seems to be very concerned about what people would think if he started talking about that kind of stuff in front of them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Frequently Bernard sets himself off from the rest of the Alphas because he believes he is very different than the rest of them. It is rumored that he accidentally got alcohol while he was being born causing his stunted growth. Because of this, he is constantly extremely frustrated with his craving to fit in with the rest of the Alphas and not be considered different. His most distressing experiences come when he has to give orders to members of lower castes (pg 64). Having the physique of the average Gamma, he frequently finds himself having hard times getting the lower caste members to listen to him. His physical inadequacy caused woman to laugh at him if he made a proposal to â€Å"have† her, men would joke to one another, and constant mockery caused him to feel like an outsider. Another interesting oddity in Bernard is his dislike of soma. When meeting with Benito Hoover, he was offered a gramme of soma, to which he quickly turned and walked away (pg...

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Work Cell Simulation

Robots are a major part of automation technology. Application of this technology depends on how robots are located and used in work cells. Feature-based work cell simulation software is perfect for these applications, because it provides an interactive and accurate virtual view of a fully combined robotic work cells that can be modeled and assessed for low cost and reliable solutions.Designers can use the software to model a work cell by acquiring a group of components, such as robots, conveyors, workbenches, and end-effectors, etc. , from built-in databases. The software allows users to study work cell performance, optimize work cell configuration, and debug the process layout. Major automotive companies, such as Chrysler, Ford and GM, are utilizing the work cell simulation software including Cimstation, Workforce and Deneb for automation clarifications.The biggest upside to using the work cell simulation software is that an optimal solution for the work cell design in involved. For the first time there is a reality without having to have the tangible model of parts, robots, jigs, and fixtures. As any alterations are made to the parts, the procedure of involving the changes into simulation is minuscule compared to the process of reconstructing a physical work cell. Work cell simulation technology allows an important bridge between the design and manufacturing technologies.Work cell simulation software has either input data translators, like IGES, which stands for Initial Graphical Exchange Specification, or direct translators for the primary engineering-based CAD software packages. These translators let designers to bring in the file of a part to be worked from a CAD program for fast work cell design. Device models are the main elements that complement a robotic work cell model. Device models are assembled by an assembly of three dimensional part models with assigned coordinate systems.Device models, such as robots and like equipment, can be brought from the s tandard model libraries. Devices that aren’t found in the library, such as jigs and fixtures, can be drawn up as a group of parts on the built-in CAD system or brought in from a CAD system for the work cell layout. With accurate device models, designers can specify robot operational requirements with the option and number of robots and their location in the work cell. Work cell simulation software is also has the capability to evaluate the layout of a work cell.The main function is to maximize the critical production element, such as robot placement, robot automation, cycle time analysis, and to avoid collision. When work cell model has been finished, the calculated positions needed for a device to move in the virtual work cell can be drawn up as three-dimensional points. All point can be created individually, and then brought to a surface, edge or vertex in the work cell model. With the option of choosing these points, it is possible for designers to design a model that has defined inverse movement to any point.The point is that if the motion of a device, such as a robot, can be created graphically by positioning points on the work piece, the software can basically simplify the programming by automatically generating programs from the graphical data of these points. The robot motion paths can also be tested and interactively edited through the built-in program editor if any potential collision is detected. By merging the realistic data from both product and work cell, users can no longer base assumptions on oversimplified work cell models.Instead, users can be confident that the robot will be able to reach all of the desired locations and perform specific operations. The completion of both work cell design and evaluation, the manufacturing process to be carried out by the automated factory floor devices can be accurately repeated once the program is downloaded to the controllers. Existing programs can also be uploaded for evaluation and editing. The gr eatest advantage of incorporating work cell simulation technologies into the product and process development is that it eliminates the guesswork from a concept.To realize this advantage, a procedure needs to be developed in order to realize errors, evaluate alternatives, and make modifications quickly in a product development path. Many companies have been forced to reevaluate their approach to product and process development. Although they have increased their investment, very few succeed in fully combining the two areas. With the break troughs of work cell simulation technologies, the complexity of the involvement of product and process development can be drastically reduced.For manufacturers, work cell simulation technologies must become the norm of the basic design phase, so the hidden cost of part and process reworks can be eliminated. Industrial technology professionals, who assume responsibilities in product design, production processes, product and process improvement, or ev en management, must continue to play a greater role in how things are done. Adopting and bring in the most current technologies to achieve the effective combination of product and process development must then be one of the priorities of industrial technology professionals.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Chicano Park essays

Chicano Park essays San Diego was already such a historic place for the Mexicans living there. So when the government tried taking the land that was rich in history and culture from the people, there was protest. The neighborhood known as barrio Logan was rich in population consisting of many Chicanos where the population was 20,000 and it was like a little village of Mexico in the U.S. The people of barrio Logan never had to leave town to function as a community. They never had to leave to get groceries, buy clothes; all kids knew each other and all went to the same school. The people of the neighborhood were not at all financially stable, they were all quite poor but they were all happy. There was no inequality in the barrio between different classes and races. All were Chicano and they were in similar situations. The population was made up of Mexicans who migrated from Mexico to California, so it was like a big family. The trouble began in 1924 when the first border checkpoints were created. This was the first sign of government intervention in this area. Then came 1929, when the World War was over and the white soldiers returned and took back their old jobs and left the Chicanos without work. Many of the Chicanos moved out of barrio Logan to seek jobs and new homes. When World War II began, and the white soldiers were away at war, the Chicanos were again in demand to fill the vacant job positions. So again the barrios flourished with Chicanos. Eventually industrialization hit San Diego and many of the people of barrio Logan were forced out of their homes and their neighborhood became the site of highways, and junkyards. The only thing left to look forward to was the development of a park that was promised to them by the state. The promise was not intended to be kept as plans for new officer headquarters were in progress. The Chicanos fought back and protested, and unified to get the land that was promised to them. They transfor ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

UN Security Council and World Order

UN Security Council and World Order Introduction After the world wars I and II, many leaders of the world saw the need of putting in place proper laws and institutions to govern the world in a manner that would make it very difficult for another world war to happen.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on UN Security Council and World Order specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More One of the key steps towards this direction was the establishment and strengthening of the United Nations, so that it could have the power and means of maintaining law and order in the world. This assignment is a discussion of how and why the United Nations, through the United Nations Security Council has been attempting to manage world order and why and how it has been unsuccessful. Discussion The term world order or new world order as its popularly known as, is used to refer to a bureaucratic system of governance of the world which advocates for global governance in disregard to traditiona l State sovereignty which advocates for national governance (Slaughter, 2005). The term has its history from what was referred to as â€Å"illuminati† which was the movement responsible for the French revolution as well as revolutions in Europe (Stauffer Williamson, 2005). Recently, new world order has taken the form of institutions which have global influence, appeal and presence like the United Nations and its affiliated institutions as well as the so called Breton wood institutions (Balogun, 2011). One of the key UN affiliated institutions which has been trying to propagate and manage the idea of world order is the United Nations Security Council, which is concerned with global security. The UN, through the UN Security Council has been in the fore front in attempts to have a world which is centralized in terms of governance, administration, justice as well as in terms of trade. The main idea behind the centralization of world’s governance is that such a world would be safer to live in, especially after the September 11 terror attacks on the United States. It is worth mentioning that the United States actually controls the Un Security Council due to its veto power. In fact, many international relations analysts have argued that there is actually no difference between the United States and the UN Security Council. A good example to illustrate this scenario is the US led invasion on Iraq in 2003, in which the Security Council was unable to prevent the US from doing the invasion, despite the fact that there were no enough justifications for the invasion.Advertising Looking for essay on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In its attempts to manage word order, the UN Security Council has been employing the strategy of carrot and a stick, in which countries of the world, especially the developing ones are given aid with strings attached. In some situations, they are required to relinquish part of their sovereignty to international bodies like the international criminal court and several other international treaties and conventions. Those counties which fail to comply are not only slapped with economic sanctions, but also military actions as well. Why the UN Security Council attempts have been unsuccessful The initial intention of establishing and maintaining world order was good. But due to the politics of domination between the rich and the poor nations of the world, the idea has been faced with enormous challenges, which have made the UN Security Council strain without much success in the management of word order. It seems that there has been a growing resistance to the new world order which attempts to concentrate resources and power around the ruling elite and the bureaucrats at the expense of the common persons or citizens commonly referred by Karl max as the have nots (Milanović, 2010). For instance, the recent uprisings in Arabic countries like Egypt, Libya and Tunisia were seen by many as an indication of civilian unrest and discontedment with the status of affairs in many countries which tend to pursue, propagate or support the ideology of a new world order. The unrest in these countries led to the ousting of the ruling bureaucrats, who had taken the advantage of the capitalist ideology to propagate inequality, lack of fairness and equity between various segments of the society which exists in form of social classes, with the upper social class enjoying the benefits of capitalism in form of surplus, as the low social class suffer from poverty, unemployment and lack of basic social amenities (Milanović, 2010). There have also been grassroots movements in form of civil society organizations which are formed by countries’ non-governmental sector. These civil society organizations have been working in a coordinated manner to push governments of countries to respect human rights, provide health care and education to the citizens. The idea behind the formation of civil society organizations is to empower the common citizens with information about their rights and the responsibilities of governments (Barlow, 2003) The universal declarations of human rights agitates for the universal respect of human rights, civil liberties and freedoms like the freedom of worship, movement and expression. These rights and civil liberties advocated for by the civil society have the potential of affecting the stability of the new world order, especially in the fight against terrorism, which is thought to succeed under the limitation of some of the civil liberties and political rights as stipulated in the United States Patriotic Act enacted after the terrorist attacks of United States in 2001 (Abele, 2005).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on UN Security Council and World Order specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The international crimina l system of justice is intended to curb impunity and the violation of basic fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens. It is aimed at detaining and punishing leaders who violate the rights of their citizens. This has happened especially for countries like Rwanda, Yugoslavia among others. However, the court has been explained by many critics as being characterized by double standards between the rich and poor nations. The impact of the international court system on security is that many countries of the world are improving their political systems to become more democratic instead of dictatorial or authoritative. This to some extend has led to increased freedom of expression of citizens which in a way has reduced the grip of the rich nations on the power to control and manipulate the resources of the world. Economically, the grassroots movements have been able to lobby for increased opportunities for countries to do business with each other. The movements have also been very instrum ental in pushing governments to offer business opportunities and provide friendly loaning facilities to citizens. The world trade organization has been in the fore front in lobbying for increased interaction between nations in terms of doing business. It has also been working closely with individual governments to stream line their loaning facilities to be more friendly and accessible to many citizens (Barlow, 2003). The World Bank and the IMF have been working hand in hand with the world trade organization to offer financial support to the developing countries to fight poverty and disease, like Hiv/Aids and malaria. These institutions have empowered many poor countries to boost their levels of education, health care and overall, their economies. The economies of the poor countries have been improving from time to time, thereby reducing their dependency on the rich countries. This has been compromising the establishment of a new world order because the number of countries which may be manipulated for the gain of the rich countries is declining. Technologically, the grassroots movements and institutions have been working hand in hand with governments to be more open to technology transfer. Many countries of the world are now adopting the use of technology, especially the information communication technology like the use of the electronic mail, the use of the mobile phone networks as well as the use of electronic money transfer systems like wire transfer, money bookers, western union, PayPal among others (Chorafas, 1988).Advertising Looking for essay on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The use of information communication technology and the internet has enabled people to improve the way in which they communicate to each other in many sectors. In the trade sector, many people have been able to do business in various countries due to improved use of information and financial technology. Doing trade and business nowadays has become more efficient and convenient than ever, which has been advantageous to the economies of the poor or developing countries. In the education sector, information technology has opened up more opportunities for people to do research and improve their academic qualifications in a friendly, convenient and efficient manner. This has led to increased literacy levels in many countries, which has got a positive impact on the economy of many countries because many people are able to understand the nature of business transactions and how to undertake business in a sustainable manner. This has consequently worked against the establishment of the new w orld order in which the rich states are able to consolidate resources and opportunities at the expense of the poor countries. At the global level, the advancement in technology has been a growing concern especially the advancement of nuclear energy. Some emerging economies in Asia and Middle East are increasingly embracing nuclear technology as an alternative to the use of coal, crude oil and natural gas as sources of energy. The use of nuclear energy is presumed to be environmental friendly and to possess the ability to generate massive energy to power the growth of economies of countries of the world. However, the use of nuclear technology has been a growing concern to the United States especially in regard to the issue of misuse of nuclear technology. The fear is that nations like North Korea, Iran and Syria which are perceived as having a hidden agenda in their nuclear programs and described by the previous US president George W. Bush as â€Å"axis of evil† may use their nuclear technology to harm the United States, its allies and the world in general. Nuclear energy may lead to nuclear terrorism. It may also have serious negative implications on the environment especially in regard to the disposal of nuclear waste if not properly managed. All these nuclear related issues are perceived as working against the establishment and strengthening of the new world order in which the elite concentrate the possession of technology and even the energy used for boosting economic productivity in countries of the world. If the poor, emerging or developing economies are allowed to pursue nuclear energy, they will not only act as potential terrorist threats but would also act as serious competitors of the advanced economies like the United States and members of the European Union and the establishment of the new world order as well. Conclusion Throughout the discussion in this assignment, what has emerged is that the powerful States have been attempting, through th e United Nations Security Council to establish a bureaucratic arrangement of world’s governance in which the elite would be controlling world’s resources and power. The main idea behind this has been to ensure that the super powers maintain the status quo in terms of world’s politics, economy, culture and technology through the propagation of their ideologies and influence to the less powerful nations of the world. However, there has been a lot of challenges in establishing the new world order, which have to some extend compromised the economic, political, cultural and technological security of the rich nations. The discussion may be summed up as a competition between the bureaucrats and the common person, whom, through the assistance of grassroots movements and institutions has been empowered to rise up and challenge the exploitations and discriminations which comes with the establishment of a new world order. The United Nations Security Council has also been h indered by the presence of many non-governmental organizations, which work in partnership with governments of the developing world to empower the citizens with education, which is a very important tool in fighting the rich nation’s imperialism. Education has enabled many countries in the developing world to embark on research, especially on agriculture and technology, which has enabled them to become self-reliant in terms of food and technological advancement. This has denied the rich nations, through the UN Security Council an opportunity to propagate the idea of world order, especially through giving aid to these countries, with some strings attached. Reference List Abele, R.P.(2005). â€Å"A Users Guide to the USA Patriot Act and Beyond†. Oxford OX2 6DP: University Press of America. Balogun, M.J. (2011). Hegemony and Sovereign Equality: The Interest Contiguity Theory in International Relations. Oxford OX4 2DQ: Springer. Barlow, A.L. (2003). Between Fear and Hope: Gl obalization and Race in the United States. Lanham, MD: Rowman Littlefield. Chorafas, D.N. (1988). Electronic Funds Transfer. Wellington Square: Butterworths. Milanović, B.(2010). The Haves and the Have-Nots: A Brief and Idiosyncratic History of Global Inequality. Oxford OX2 6DP: Basic Books. Slaughter, A.M. (2005). A New World Order. Woodstock OX20 1TW: Princeton University Press. Stauffer, V., Williamson, B.J. (2005). New England and the Bavarian Illuminati. Oxford OX1 3BN: The Invisible College Press, LLC.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Russia Economy Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Russia Economy Analysis - Research Paper Example Russia was the country most affected during the 2008-2009 recession as the world bank assistance reduced and the oil prices plummeted globally. The World Bank has analyzed that the country’s financial aid was less than 7% of its GDP. But mid – 2009, the economy hit rock bottom, but by the third quarter economy got revitalized in small way. As the oil price grew, the country was able to lift its economy and could also balance the deficit it inherited from 2008-2009. With reduction in the inflation,the country also lowered it unemployment rates and surprised its counterparts to a great level. In 2012, Russia joined hands with World Trade Organization which helped the country in lifting trade barriers and find new ways to upgrade its export of commercial goods. History and background of the country The history of Russia can be related back to the rule of Soviet Union, when the country was experiencing numerous changes in cultural ,social and political arena. During this pe riod, the economy of Russia was under the control of Bolsheviks but Lenin thought that country’s attempt to switch to a market economy would help the country to recover from the loss attained during previous three years. The new economic policy helped the country to boost its economy and led to prosperity with much advanced infrastructure. Meanwhile , the country also revitalized itself by establishing a good political position as a soviet union government. In this period,Russia also developed its radical novel style of constructivism, futurism and supermatism. During this period the country was in turmoil, still there was optimism and positivity in the midst of challenges. It was during this... The history of Russia can be related back to the rule of Soviet Union, when the country was experiencing numerous changes in cultural ,social and political arena. During this period, the economy of Russia was under the control of Bolsheviks but Lenin thought that country’s attempt to switch to a market economy would help the country to recover from the loss attained during previous three years. The new economic policy helped the country to boost its economy and led to prosperity with much advanced infrastructure. Meanwhile , the country also revitalized itself by establishing a good political position as a soviet union government. In this period,Russia also developed its radical novel style of constructivism, futurism and supermatism. During this period the country was in turmoil, still there was optimism and positivity in the midst of challenges. It was during this period that Lenin’s death occurred and this aggravated struggle for power from the part of communist party. This phase was followed by the victory of Joseph Stalin and immediately he directed the country on a different direction. The Stalin’s rule brought new economic plan and it gave importance to agricultural sector and had plans to revive and upgrade the rural state run farms. Industrial development was the main motive of the government and production was directed on capital equipment rather than consumer products. Soviet realism emerged and the art and literature was kept under tight control.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 67

Leadership - Essay Example Nonetheless, his greatest gift as a conversationalist was that many people believed that he meant what he said. It was emblematic for him to be at odds with people that were very close to him. He also frequently experienced the disapproval and contempt from his enemies and critics. He was firm and had a great sense of responsibility to tackle the deeply decisive matter the nation was going through; the Civil War and slavery (Schwartz & Schuman, 2005). Lincoln often visited the areas where that had work that related to the matters he was fighting, asking many questions and getting insights from those with the most knowledge concerning a situation At the time of his presidency, the nation was divided into southern and northern regions. Civil war broke out, an extremely violent as well as a bloody war on the territory of both nations. He led the United States to eventually defeat the union, and following his celebrated Emancipation Proclamation, he set up measures to eliminate slavery (Schwartz & Schuman, 2005). Lincoln was right in backing the Union, which fought slavery. He did not protect the association and the people backing slavery (Schwartz & Schuman, 2005). He felt that it was particularly significant for the United States to stop slavery. When the war ended, he felt that it was critical to join up the Union and the coalition back into one nation. The measures he took to accomplish the goal to reunite the United States were some of his major